This should be a fun night for adults to have fun while kid free. Please look early to find accommodations for your children.
Where should we stay?
Lockhart is the closest city to the venue with a couple of hotels and many home rentals to choose from. Both Austin and San Marcos are about a 30 minute drive away from the venue with many hotels as options.
With no football games in town on our big day, Austin would be a great choice.
Do you have a wedding registry anywhere?
We ask that you please donate to our honeymoon fund if you choose to give a gift.
What is the dress code?
We ask all guests to dress in solid black formal attire. No jeans.
Do I bring anything?
Just bring yourself and your dancing shoes! We'll take care of the rest.
How do we get there?
Check the Travel section above for transportation accommodations. We will provide more details very soon.